was born in Mesa, Arizona on October 7, 1988. He was
a big boy from the beginning at a
whopping 8lbs 7oz. Mom, Dad and Grandma Small were in the room with him
for his GRAND ENTRANCE.. He started his life
living with Mom and Dad in the Chandler/Gilbert area.. He was a cute and
baby from the beginning. He spent
allot of time in his early years with his cousins Andrew and Eli and his
buddy Cody... He
was baptized at Resurrection Church
with his Godparents Mike Willard and Kristie Armer. When Nick was three
Mom and
Dad split and Nick and Mom moved to
an apartment in Chandler. Our family survived this tragedy and we all
stayed close
together. At
age 5,
Nick and Mom moved to the Westside
of town and Nick started school in Peoria. He was a good student and
had a BIG crush
on his Kindergarten teacher..
:) Nick's Mom remarried when Nick was 7 and when
Nick was 8 he became the proud
brother of his twin sisters Melissa and Melinda. They were 3 months
early and needed
allot of care.. Nick was the BEST
BIG BROTHER they could have asked for.... He helped with
feeding, holding, changing diapers,
bathtime, and all the other chores in the house. In the third grade
Nick started
attending a private school... He
was a good student and became a top player on the Chess Team.. I would
have never
guessed him to be a chess player..
but you have to be a quick thinker and that he was. Nick's Dad got re-married in 1999 and Nick was the
proudest kid ever! All
you have to do is look at the
pictures and you can see how proud he was to be Rene's son! He spent
allot of time with
his Dad and Step Mom (Kathy) and had
sooooo much fun watching the Maimi Dolphins, NASCAR, going camping, and
with his Dad. His
was huge and EVERYONE loved Nick
cause he was a fun, loveable, happy, caring kid... He was always a great
big brother
... however he enjoyed getting away
to spend time with his cousins Andrew and Kassie... Nick spent allot
of time with them and enjoyed it
all!! Andrew was his Idle and Nick will always be his biggest
fan... He
also spent allot of time with Eli
and Madison.. Eli is 3 months older than Nick and they grew up
They loved to both go to Grandma
and Hoppa's house to spend the weekend.... They would drive them crazy
staying up late
and laughing all night... They
loved to go shopping with Grandma because she is a pushover... lol
and they loved to hang out
together. We moved to this neighborhood when Nick was entering the 8th
grade..and his
sisters were starting Kindergarten... It was cool he was able to ride the bus with them to
school everyday
and teach them how to take care of
themselves and be their protector... During this year he became friends
with Jessie
Calus. They ended up going to
different High Schools.. however they remained close friends.
Nick loved
to hang out with Jessie... They
spent most of their time at Jessie's house.. His family adopted Nick
he adopted them as family. He and
Jessie would keep each other going to youth group together and service
on Sunday
nights. They also spent allot of
time playing X-Box, bowling, going to movies, eating Bill's big dinners,
hanging out at Mike's
house and looking for Hottie's.... They went to summer camp in July of
2004 and they
got baptized together. ( That is
sooo cool!!) They also went on the Mexico Mission together with the
in November.. That was Nick's
favorite and he could hardly wait to go again... He
loved his High School and all his friends and teachers at Sandra Day
O'Connor. He played
football during his freshman year
#94.!!!! and really enjoyed being part of the team. He was an Offensive
and was hoping to be a Linebacker
next year. He was working out this year to try out for the next
season. He was
always challenging us with the
homework thing... However he loved school and never missed it. He liked
to hang out with
his friends before class, at lunch,
and after school... and like most teenagers go the movies and or
bowling on
the weekends.. He had allot of
GREAT friends at school and some have shared allot of "tales" with us in
his Guestbook...
I hope everyone who knew him will do
the same so we can all smile about the fun memories we shared. My
sweet son of 16 was busy trying to figure out life... He was a good
driver and liked
to drive me anywhere... He wanted
to work at Walgreen's or Subway this summer to make some MONEY!!! He was
a good
worker and would have been a great
employee... He was always a happy and vibrant boy. His passing happened
all to
sudden and quick.. We all miss him
more than words can express.. |